WIP: Preview 2D Data Sets and experiment with a range of transformations, interpretations, and sonification possibilities. Generate OSC, WebMIDI, and WebAudio from matrices. Decide how you want to read through the data. Massage the data into the values you need. Data can be sent row-by-row or column-by-column at a rate in ms. Data can be converted between cartesian and polar coordinates. Data can be scaled exponentially or logarithmically. This is an opportunity to tune your instrument with standard patterns before feeding it live or chaotic data. Can you hear the important contours? Would it sound better if your data knew about its neighboring data and could change its quality accordingly? Maybe you need to set thresholds to focus on particular ranges of data. Maybe boundaries need to be drawn so different data can be interpreted in different time-scales? Where does time exist in a 2D Matrix?
WIP: Mandelbrot + Julia set: OSC controllers. Generate OSC messages from 256x256 fractal matrices. Data is sent row-by-row at a rate in ms. The 256-size arrays consist of numbers between 0 and 1. Requires local node-OSC server and Max/MSP proxy-OSC-server, to direct the OSC messages to a Kyma Pacamara. In Kyma, the 256 size arrays are interpreted as amplitudes in a 256 size oscillator bank. The frequencies and amplitudes are scalable. There is a threshold to mute oscillators below a certain amplitude. Click and drag on the mandelbrot to generate new versions of the Julia Fractal. Interface heavily borrows from Mike Harris' work
Render a frame of the Julia Set in a 2D Matrix with values between 0 and 1. Using the principles of coloring algorithms that animate cyclically through the set using a modulo functions on each point,color the data using cyclic Risset Glissandi. Mapping notes within the glissandi to the values in each position. Time is represented by a 1D array playhead that moves through the data. This is the playhead. Possible playhead options:
WIP: Currently just a copy of Craig S. Kaplan's tactile-js demo, with some console.log data for interesting parameters. Planning to add webaudio and OSC implementation.
WIP: Currently just a copy of Craig S. Kaplan's tactile-js demo. Planning to add webaudio and OSC implementation.
Here are the recursive and more complex-function oriented demos: